Triangles, Compasses, And God: Finding Faith With Doug Booker
Podcast Chad Burmeister Podcast Chad Burmeister

Triangles, Compasses, And God: Finding Faith With Doug Booker

For some people, it takes the darkest moments of life to see the lighted path to God. Such is the story of today’s guest on Living A Better Story. Joining host Chad Burmeister is Doug Booker, founder/owner of Booker Leadership. Doug talks about his journey to finding faith and the trials and tribulations he endured along the way. Doug has authored numerous works where he offers insightful advice to leaders in his book, Significance Starts Now, and enlightening guidance in Triangles, Compasses And God, which he discusses in this episode. Learn all about Doug’s interesting journey to finding God and his unique take on leadership and prayer.

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Timmy Bauer On Leaving Your Entrepreneurial Legacy Through Kid’s Books
Podcast Chad Burmeister Podcast Chad Burmeister

Timmy Bauer On Leaving Your Entrepreneurial Legacy Through Kid’s Books

Imagine using kid's storybooks as your business and having joy and monetization in the process. We are so focused on engaging in the grown-up life that we didn't even consider a kid's book for business. There will always be a kid no matter what era, and those kids will always love good storytelling. But what transpires when you tell a story about entrepreneurs, and you didn't exclude all those jargons away? You watch as your young readers throw aside your book. Timmy Bauer understands the exact emotion. In this episode, author and host of The Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur Timmy shares his story on growing enthusiasm to touch kids' hearts while storytelling exciting and unique topics like entrepreneurship. If you want to learn and incorporate his knowledgeable experience, hop in the conversation.

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