The message of Christianity is centered on the idea that every individual matters to Christ, and that belief is fundamental to understanding the importance of human life. According to Christian teachings, humans are created in the image of God, and thus, they possess inherent worth and value. No matter what their background, ethnicity, social status, or personal circumstances, every person has intrinsic value and significance.

Christians believe that God loves every person, regardless of their flaws, mistakes, or sins. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God provided a way for humanity to be reconciled to Him and to experience His love and forgiveness. This message is often referred to as the Gospel, which means "good news."

The Gospel message emphasizes that Christ's love and grace are available to everyone, regardless of their past or present circumstances. Christians believe that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was an expression of God's immense love for humanity, and it is a powerful reminder that YOU MATTER To Christ.