A Life-Defining Moment: Learning Accountability And Responsibility With Steve Parker
Podcast Chad Burmeister Podcast Chad Burmeister

A Life-Defining Moment: Learning Accountability And Responsibility With Steve Parker

There are certain lessons that we get in life that would define the rest of it moving forward. In this conversation with Chad Burmeister, Steve Parker, the CEO and founder of Levelwing, shares his life-defining moment when his father taught him a very important lesson in accountability and responsibility. When he was still a small kid, Steve used to roam around on the football field to pass the time. One day, he happened to enter the locker room and come across lots of pens and pencils lying around. He had a finders-keepers mentality and collected 70-80 of them. But then his father told him to apologize in front of the team and return what he'd stolen. To this day, Chad practices accountability and responsibility, as we all should. What’s your life-defining moment?

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